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Adzat Marketplace
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How much would you pay for someone to handle all ur design related problems?
A senior level design expert would cost you nothing less than $100,000 a year.Guess what?We help connect you with the top 5% Indian talent for prices you cannot even imagine…
Adzat Marketplace
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How much would you pay for a professional video editor?
Video editors charge more than you think!Average pay for a senior video editor is $100,000-$120,000 per annum.Can you guess our prices?
Adzat Marketplace
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Would you buy a service online just like you buy a product online?
We connect you with top indian talent and you can opt for our services just by buying them off of our website!
Adzat Marketplace
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Do you’ll have a hard time finding good editors online?
We have the top 5% Indian talent on board.You can now hire a Video editor or Design Artist on a monthly subscription basis for a price you cannot even imagine.We help you create short form content faster instantly through our platform…🦍🦍🦍