My knowledge of both IT and HR has allowed me to bridge the gap between the two, helping organizations to optimize their processes and achieve improved results. I have a passion for applying technology to increase efficiency and productivity in the workplace, while also focusing on the human side of the business. Currently growing an AI start-up and learning everything from the scratch. Our team has created an AI Excel Assistant who can help every spreadsheet user write and explain formulas, translate spreadsheets, and write scripts in a fraction of a time. As a passionate learner and an aspiring entrepreneur, I am thrilled to embark on a new journey of mastering programming and studying for my master's degree in entrepreneurship.
Gone streaking
Maker History
- AjelixBI & AI tools for spreadsheet efficiency.
- BI & Data visualizationSep 2023
- Ajelix AI Excel ToolsFeb 2023
Joined Product HuntFebruary 8th, 2023