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Silvio Bompan
Silvio Bompan
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Great reference book, congrats @davidoudiette! ;)
The Landing Page Cookbook
The Landing Page Cookbook
A guide for makers who want to create better landing pages.
Silvio Bompan

Remote job boards are mostly US-centric, so I decided to go on a treasure hunt every other tuesday and share some of the best jobs specifically for Europe-based remote workers. Got a job to suggest?

Remote jobs in Europe delivered to your inbox bi-weekly
Silvio Bompan
Microcopy - The Complete Guide
Microcopy - The Complete Guide
Write delightful and helpful microcopy
Silvio Bompan
Pitch Deck
Pitch Deck
A game about ridiculous pitches for bad startup ideas
Silvio Bompan
Turn your Facebook page into a standalone website
Silvio Bompan
Really Good List
Really Good List
Helpful resources to help send your startup into orbit
Silvio Bompan
Get Your English Checked
Silvio Bompan
Fattura con Billy
Fattura con Billy
Create and send invoices in a snap - Tailor-made for Italy
Silvio Bompan
How to solve big problems and test new ideas in just 5 days