Ainsley Clark

Ainsley Clark

Senior Full Stack Software Engineer
5 points
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Ainsley Clark
πŸ“ˆ A small and simple DOM detection changer for when you're in desperate need of a new Nvidia graphics card or anything else that tickles your pickle. Native integration with docker or bare metal, alerting you via slack or email when a product is back in stock.
Stock Informer
Stock Informer
A small application to detect when a product is in stock.
Ainsley Clark
Go Mail aims to unify multiple popular mail APIs into a singular, easy to use interface. Featuring Mailgun, Postal, Postmark, SendGrid, SparkPost & SMTP. Email sending is seriously simple and lightweight with no direct dependencies.
Go Mail
Go Mail
A cross platform mail driver for GoLang
Ainsley Clark
Image compression in WP can be costly, confusing and sometimes just simply don’t work. Squidge changes this by using jpegoptim, optipng, cwebp, and libavif to simplify conversion to webp and avif files increasing you our PSI and boosting ranks.
A free WP Plugin built for compressing and converting images