Avishay Jesse Segal

Avishay Jesse Segal

Helping businesses grow πŸš€πŸŒ™
24 points
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Avishay Jesse Segal
Avishay Jesse Segal
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Great alternative to other tools such as Sumome and Clickfunnels.
Elementor Popup Builder
Design-oriented popup builder, built into Elementor
Avishay Jesse Segal
Avishay Jesse Segal
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Looking good!
Feedier - Feedback management platform
Understand and improve your end-customers’ experience.
+1 comment
Avishay Jesse Segal


The first link (balledup.gamename) has been annulled - use the other one.


The most addictive game of 2018 is coming Q4 2018 so get ready for it!

Just tap your thumb on the screen and you're good to go.

Keep the ball from falling down and hitting the prickly branches and you're golden.

Balled Up
Balled Up
Too addictive to stop playing