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Big fan of Ghost, slightly less so of @johnonolan due to our centuries-long blood feud.
Ghost for Android
Read, write and publish with full offline support on Android

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Hey! So I wasn't expecting this to be hunted (not being a "product" in the traditional sense) but if you're reading this:
1. I designed and built this responsive site template for HTML5 UP (one of my side projects)
2. I had a *ton* of fun making it
3. It's super modular, so you can pretty much set it up however you like
4. It's free (Creative Commons licensed), so give it a download if you're...

Ethereal by HTML5 UP
A fully responsive side-scrolling one-page HTML5 template

Ethereal by HTML5 UP
A fully responsive side-scrolling one-page HTML5 template

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Wow, super honored to even be considered for this! Thank you :)
For those of you not familiar with Carrd, here's the short-ish description I gave of it on my original post:
It's a free service for building and hosting simple, responsive, one-page sites for ... basically whatever, be it a personal "business card" style site or a "coming soon" page with a Mailchimp signup form to capture...

Simple, responsive, one-page sites for pretty much anything.

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Whoa Carrd got nominated for Community Product! So honored 🙏 🙏 🙏

Golden Kitty Awards 2016
A celebration of products, makers & PH community members 🏆😻

Feedback Tools
Curated directory of tools for getting all the feedback

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Woops, this is actually one of my very old, very neglected projects :) Essentially abandonware at this point, but I might take another whack at it in the future.

Collection of awesome design freebies.

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So that's what this is :) Nice work man!
Text 🍰 to 413-GET-CAKE for free rides to great places

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Hey folks! Carrd is a project I've been building off and on since last summer. It's my first "major" solo project since HTML5 UP / Pixelarity, and definitely the most complex thing I've ever attempted to build on my own (more on that another time), so I'm super excited to finally share it with the world (well, the world outside my Twitter following at least :)
The concept behind Carrd is...

Simple, responsive, one-page sites for pretty much anything.

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Creative showed up several months ago I think, and I know it was (maybe unofficially) restricted to non-gaming activities that were at least gaming themed (eg. crocheting a Pikachu hat or something). That's definitely changed though, as I've seen everything from glassblowing to cooking to some dude applying a wrap to a pickup. Either way, fascinating stuff, and kind of the main reason I go to...

Twitch Creative
Watch artists create. Twitch expands into the arts.

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Fun/amazing fact: At the time William Gibson wrote Neuromancer, he hadn't actually used a computer before.

The novel that defined cyberpunk

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Been a happy BSA publisher for years. Platform and support have been consistently amazing. Will buy again AAAAA+++++++.

The easiest self-serve advertising platform on the web

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Well, there goes the rest of the day.
Tumblr TV
A new way to watch, view and find trending GIFs

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Pixelarity is the paid sibling of another project of mine (HTML5 UP) that addresses two questions I get asked a lot: how to use my templates without attribution, and whether I can provide the occasional bit of tech support. This service tackles both, throws in a few extras (like an additional 30 or so templates), and does so at a price that (I think) is fair to all involved. Let me know what...

Spectacular responsive site templates

Spectacular responsive site templates

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This is huge! Almost all of the small businesses I frequent (coffee shops, vendors at the farmers market, etc) rely on Square, and for them to suddenly accept Apple Pay transforms it from what's (at least for me) a novelty I get to use at like, 3 places, into something I'll use every day.

Square + Apple Pay
Accept Apple Pay and chip cards everywhere.

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Whoa, this is exactly what I needed today. Thank you!

View Mac keyboard shortcuts in the current application