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Akshay Deo
Akshay Deo
started a discussion

How well do you use web browsers for your work?

πŸ‘‹ I am Akshay Deo. I am currently trying to find out how different people use browsers, the most common problems while using browsers, and probably solve a few of them in the future. So I have created a small survey for the same here:
Akshay Deo
PollScout indexes the best Twitter Polls from all over the world. Each poll is tagged and you can filter,search these polls, discuss it on the platform.
PollScout 1.0
Find best Polls from all over the Twitter at one place πŸŽ‰
Akshay Deo
I am delighted to invite you all for the beta version of app Viwr. As an Android developer, I came across certain redundant tasks which I felt should be automated. Since then I have tried to shape it up into a combined platform in the form of this app.
Viwr 1.0
Viwr 1.0
CPU, Memory, Battery, Threads, DB time report of Android App
Akshay Deo

- One click to start sharing your screen

- Doesn't need any development tools or USB cables for sharing the Android screen

- Share screen using a link (Just like Google Drive/Dropbox). No plugins/Software/Password required for viewer. Compatible with all modern browsers

- Completely safe! No special permissions are required.


The simplest screen sharing app for Android