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For people who say they'll study "later", aimless browsers, and dedicated language learners looking to immerse themselves.
1. Scroll through a page.
2. Text at your difficulty level is translated into another language.
3. Can't understand it? Hover for a dictionary, or to see the original text.
4. Set the difficulty based on how much challenge you're after.
Procrastinate productively and...
Learn a language while you browse the web
Nuenki is a browser extension that translates sentences at your skill level into the language you're learning, immersing you as you browse. The original text is a mere hover away.
Procrastinate productively by turning every webpage into a language lesson.
Learn a language while you browse the web
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I'm new to this - I left school a couple of months ago and started working on Nuenki then. I'm confident in the technical and educational aspects - I'm using it right now - but I'm new to the business side. I'd love to get some feedback on the project, particularly wrt the business/marketing side.
DeepL is very expensive, so I'm providing generous refunds rather than a free trial. I'm...
Learn a language while you browse the web
Nuenki is a browser extension that immerses you in the language you're learning by translating English sentences that are at your specified difficulty into your target language. You can hover to see what the original text was. Procrastinate productively.
Learn a language while you browse the web