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Alexandria Redmon
Craft and share multimodal LLM vision prompts infused with real-world context from device sensors and APIs. Free, open-source, & written by A.I.
Multimodal multitool for vision prompts using real-time data
Alexandria Redmon
Dress up your notch with a smart looking dark title bar, custom tailored to your image - no installation required. Simply select an image to use as your wallpaper and Notch Be Gone will apply a configurable opacity stripe on it to align with your notch.
Notch Be Gone
Notch Be Gone
Notch-less wallpaper generator for MacBook/iPhone
Alexandria Redmon
Minimalist open source app to quickly tell you in which neighborhood you currently are without zooming in/out of a map to determine neighborhood boundaries. Available via web or iOS App Store.
What's My Hood
What's My Hood
App to tell you the neighborhood in which you currently are