Alex Stockman

Alex Stockman

Exploring ideas. Low-code enthusiast.
7 points
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Alex Stockman
Alex Stockman
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Firstbase Raise
Firstbase Raise
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Alex Stockman
Alex Stockman
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Very exciting!
Launch, manage, and grow your company – in one place
Alex Stockman
Host parties, concerts, festivals, vacations, or whatever you please. Collect money without the headaches. You can now be your own event planner, travel agent, concert promoter, and much more! We’re excited to see all the different ways you will use Pitch.
Host parties & events, split costs, sell tickets, and more
Alex Stockman
Alex Stockman
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I'd love to hear everyone's feedback. Is this something you would use?
Host parties & events, split costs, sell tickets, and more
Alex Stockman
A custom a virtual guide app designed for Airbnb hosts to to give guests access to everything they’ll need to have a fantastic trip all in one place. This app provides guest information on the house all in one central place right on their home screen.
A custom app to provide everything needed for fantastic stay