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Alicia Gibney
Alicia Gibney
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All the best Frank! We launched today!
Frank Sondors
We're launching tomorrow 😍
Frank Sondors
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Alicia Gibney
Alicia Gibney
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Launch Day Insights

Currently being part of the FAM Social Finance Launch (today), I'd love to get any insight from other startups on the definite do's and don'ts for a successful launch day, I've read the articles but I'd love some first hand insight! Follow up Q; on average, how much time per week do you spend on outreach? Looking forward to everyone's responses & connecting ☺️
Alicia Gibney
Join FAM: a community to connect with fellow travelers saving up for the same vacation. Understand your travel goals, and generate AI-powered budgets within seconds.
FAM - Social Finance
FAM - Social Finance
Build community, build wealth
Alicia Gibney
Alicia Gibney
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LinkedIn: Sandwich: prosciutto, mozzarella, fig spread (Panini style ofc)
George Kalandadze
Let's connect on LinkedIn! Share your profile along with your favorite sandwich below. 😝πŸ₯ͺ
George Kalandadze
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Alicia Gibney
Alicia Gibney
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"Ritzy AF" Pinnacle of Success 😎 "Rocky Road" for sure a brain freeze πŸ₯Ά
Antoni Kozelski
πŸš€ Attention all Producthunt! πŸš€
Antoni Kozelski
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Alicia Gibney
FAM is an ecosystem of financial and social media features that facilitates personal and shared savings, special interest groups to share knowledge, and buy-or-not polls for quick and honest product reviews.
FAM - Social Finance
FAM - Social Finance
The ultimate community-based goal tracking platform!