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Pastel is a review and approval tool for live websites, PDFs and images. Today, we are adding email to that list. Marketing teams will be able to get faster approvals on their email campaigns. Leave feedback on test emails all in one place and catch mistakes.
Pastel for Email Review
Pastel for Email Review
Review and approve marketing emails faster
Create a simple link to share designs, collect feedback and get approved. Right from your Adobe XD file.
Pastel for Adobe XD
Pastel for Adobe XD
Design feedback and approval for Adobe XD
💩 happens when you go from design mockup to live website.
We made a free tool to make it easier to spot issues. Upload the mockup and put in the url of the website. We layer it on top of each other, letting you toggle between with a click.
Compare Pixels
Compare Pixels
Free tool to compare design mockups to the live website.
Free hand-drawn maker illustrations
Marker Illustrations
Free hand-drawn illustrations
Writing is the most important part of web design, but suggesting website copy changes to someone is super frustrating. Pastel makes it easier and faster.
Pastel Copy Changes
Pastel Copy Changes
Make copy suggestions on any website
This easy to use tool by Pastel lets you test your website across mobile, tablet, and desktop breakpoints.
Responsive Website Test
Responsive Website Test
Test any website on desktop, mobile, and tablet
left a comment
We built this functionality into Pastel 2.0
The fastest feedback tool for visual teams
Share feedback on any website, in one click. With our free bookmarklet, you can comment on any website and leave feedback for your designers, developers or clients. Just share a link and let anyone join the conversation.
Pastel Bookmarklet
Pastel Bookmarklet
Mark up any website from your browser, for free
Pastel is the fastest way to gather visual feedback when building websites. Whether you are in the design or development phase, Pastel lets you comment directly on actual elements on a website or png/jpg files. Invite anyone to comment with just a simple link. Nothing to install or download.
Pastel 2.0
Pastel 2.0
Fast website feedback for designers and developers

Hourly Rate Calculator is a tool we made for freelancers to use as a guide to costs, billable hours and desired profit. Remember: your hourly rate should also account for factors like market demand and skill level, factors that we unfortunately couldn't fit into this calculator.

Hourly Rate Calculator
Hourly Rate Calculator
Find out your ideal hourly rate

Pastel allows designers and developers building web projects to get actionable feedback from clients and other team members. Easily turn any website into an interactive canvas and pin comments to elements on the page. Share your canvas with anyone and get feedback with no installation or login required.

Pastel for Teams
Pastel for Teams
Website feedback and collaboration for design teams