Alyas Jaria

Alyas Jaria

Co-Founder of JUSTKLAP.
5 points
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Alyas Jaria
Alyas Jaria
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New and unique idea. Very detailed too.
TryDraw v2
TryDraw v2
Learn digital art with instant feedback
Alyas Jaria
Alyas Jaria
left a comment
Really helpful and unique idea
ChatGPT from Chrome search & by selecting text on any site
Alyas Jaria
Alyas Jaria
left a comment
The startup is well made and good idea 👍🏻
Make Logo AI
Unique HD logos, generated by AI
Alyas Jaria
JustKlap allows you to grow your social network across any profession and interest with people in close proximity. Be it a club, airport, park, mall, almost anywhere and everywhere. Making connections in a newer and safer way in no time.
Build a bond by celebrating your profession and interests.