Alyne Padilla

Alyne Padilla

🎯 Founder, More Than A Feature
54 points
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Alyne Padilla
Alyne Padilla
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Congratulations on the launch, Dzmitry!
ODDY: UX Copilot
Alyne Padilla
Alyne Padilla
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Elevating the virtual event experience with the help of AI

I've been playing around with designing virtual event and community spaces leveraging AI on a pretty cool platform that combines the benefits of social audio + video + visually appealing spaces. Thought to share an invite to the next free event on Wednesday 12/6 for any social audio/virtual event fans who often wish there was more to the experience.
Alyne Padilla
Alyne Padilla
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The Happiness Trap
Indu Thangamuthu
Which book changed your perspective towards life?
Indu Thangamuthu
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Alyne Padilla
Alyne Padilla
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👋🏼 Newbie here - 27 so far 😎
Ankur Singh
Share your ProductHunt Streak!!
Alyne Padilla
Alyne Padilla
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Drink water 🥤
Binal Gajjar
Do you follow any quick routine just before starting work for the day?
Alyne Padilla
Alyne Padilla
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As I work towards launching my company, I’ve been doing research on this and so far it seems like HubSpot leads.
MD Amirul Islam
What are the best CRM platforms that can easily be used for automation?
MD Amirul Islam
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Alyne Padilla
Alyne Padilla
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Box breathing is one of my favorite go-to. Quick and effective.
Evelina Radoycheva
🤔 When you are under stress, what are some things you do to slow down your thoughts?
Evelina Radoycheva
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Alyne Padilla
Alyne Padilla
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The Happiness Trap. Not product related, but very much applicable to life in general.
Nick Harrision
Are there any books that changed your life?
Nick Harrision
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