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Ameer Jhan
Blazing fast dev server powered by codesandbox bundler 🎉
* It is blazing fast ⚡
* Super tiny (11kb) 👌
* Run projects without npm install 💃
* React fast refresh ❤️
* Supports React, Vue, Angular, Preact, Svelte and more 🔨
* No node_modules instllation 💾
Blazing fast dev server powered by codesandbox bundler
Ameer Jhan
Ameer Jhan
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This is what I was looking for a long time!!!
Crosspost App
Crosspost App
Share your content to several social platforms in one click
Ameer Jhan
I have built a tool for Kubernetes which is both reactive and interactive providing
* Live updates on the pod status
* Delete the selected pod by pressing D key
* Copy the name of the selected pod by pressing C key
Yes more features are coming
make kubectl tool to be more reactive and interactive