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  • Anastasia Myasnikova

    Anastasia Myasnikova

    COO of KeepPet and Urban Quest
    22 points
    All activity
    Anastasia Myasnikova
    Anastasia Myasnikova
    started a discussion

    UA funnels

    App developers and marketers, how do you track what marketing channel brings you most active and paying users?
    Anastasia Myasnikova
    Keep your pet healthy with KeepPet: create a digital passport, chat with vets and join a global community of pet owners and veterinary professionals who share their passion of making this world a safe and happy place for our pets.
    Online vet to keep your pet healthy, happy and safe
    Anastasia Myasnikova
    Anastasia Myasnikova
    started a discussion

    Questions instead of reviews

    How often do you receive a one, two or three stars review with just a question about your product? It's not about something going on with it, it's about user not finding something he expected to find because he heard about it, wanted it, other have it, etc. How do you deal with these reviews?
    Anastasia Myasnikova
    The Be Focused lets you get things done by breaking up individual tasks among discrete intervals, separated by short breaks. It’s a surprisingly effective way to retain motivation and focus. Create tasks, configure breaks and track your progress.
    Be Focused
    Be Focused
    Focus timer for work and study
    Anastasia Myasnikova
    Your city is full of stories to tell!
    Join our global community and become a player to enjoy the beauty of the discovery, or be the leader, the creator behind the quests which riddles will engage thousands of users worldwide.
    Urban Quest
    Urban Quest
    Create or play thematic city quests around the globe