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Well done!
How's it different from other job boards? Just curious :-)
Get Ready, Job Hunters!
Abhishek Jha
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I have used Framer's AI build tool. The results were good but still needed some tweaking and copy changes.
I am not a designer and getting something up and running from scratch will be a lot of work for me. With an AI builder, I get a template of some kind and then can change the colour palette, add a logo and tweak copy to make it work.
What Ai Website Builder do you know?
Janusz Mirowski
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ChatGPT AI prompts help leaders level up their leadership skills and stay productive.

100 ChatGPT Prompts for Leaders
ChatGPT prompts for leaders

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Hello Product Hunt,
Our brainstorming for Tasko ( prompted (pun intended) us to create a quick productivity tool for the Leaders and the middle Managers.
Here is the 100 ChatGPT prompts for Leaders! This collection includes 100 thoughtfully organized prompts to cater to different scenarios for leaders across various teams. We've got you covered, whether you need help...

100 ChatGPT Prompts for Leaders
ChatGPT prompts for leaders

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Different things, different experience.
Internship is when you are starting out in the real world and everyday is a learning experience. Not a single day is the same and you are there to soak it up everyday.
Job experience in the beginning is overwhelming but once you get the hang of it, it becomes enjoyable and you like the challenge, atleast in Tech where you have new problems to deal with...
How was your First Product Launch/ Internship/Job experience
Ishita jain
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> I see a lot of products create animated GIFs for their logos and make a selection of descriptive screenshots.
I have a simple process to create logos:
1. Find a colour palette. There are quite a few free ones online. I came across on ProductHunt recently.
2. Pick a primary colour from the palette that you'd like to use for the logos.
3. Then, go to...
How do you choose the design for your logo for ProductHunt?
Aliaksei Saskevich
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EasyFilters is a chrome extension that could make it easier to find the search results you are after. I am an Engineer and am usually searching for particular libraries or help tutorials, for example, learning React. Technology moves fast so the articles that I come across are from a while back and perhaps not the most relevant. Google does provide search filters but they are buried a few...

Google search filters - right where you need them

Sometimes you are looking for more recent articles or a particular language or a particular region. EasyFilters exposes the filter options on the search results page and make it a lot more accessible

Google search filters - right where you need them

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Well done! Looks great, I gave it a go.
I may have missed something and trying to understand how is it different from other colour palettes one can find online.

Generate ideal color palettes with the power of AI