Anna Stoianova

Anna Stoianova

PR & Marketing @ Moqod
5 points
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Anna Stoianova
Anna Stoianova
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Wow, great idea, congrats on launch! I hope it will evolve further than just Foursquare.
Find destinations that match your travel profile with AI
Anna Stoianova
Anna Stoianova
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I'm a great fan of - for SEO and for content marketing it's my right hand.
What product that you've found on Product Hunt do you think everyone *must* try?
Anna Stoianova
Anna Stoianova
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Do you also ask potential clients "would you buy it if you have it"?

Despite tons of books, articles, and best practices saying that you should NEVER ask potential clients if they would buy the product, almost everybody still does it. I catch myself wanting to ask this the same. Do you also do that? How would you justify this intention? Not a question really, just a surprising fact for me.
Anna Stoianova
Anna Stoianova
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I will test any smart marketing content calendar

Hey Makers! I'm struggling to find handy tool at reasonable price to manage my marketing content across channels. If you develop similar product, drop me a note, I'm ready to be your early adaptor) and will test it and give you my feedback. If you have any suggestions of existing tools, I'd appreciate them too.
Anna Stoianova
Anna Stoianova
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How do you expand your network?

Recently, I saw a study that we are losing our social capital by working from home. Makers, how do you keep your social capital alive and growing? I'm really struggling to meet new people, not speaking about clients, but peers and other professionals to exchange thoughts, to make friends, etc. Before the lockdown I used to meet new people on events, however, online events are not really...
Anna Stoianova
Anna Stoianova
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If TikTok tried to validate their idea, how would they do it?

Or maybe they've done it? Don't you think that concept of prior validating ideas might kill a golden fish?