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Subscription management & event tracking for privacy advocates. Get valuable subscription and user insights from your mobile application and act faster upon your product's revenue change.

Subscription & review analytics for iOS

Yagiz Nizipli
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Hi there!
I'm Yagiz Nizipli, the founder and the lead engineer of Socketkit. I've been working on Socketkit for the past 6 months to create a one-stop-shop for mobile application developers and companies. Our initial release is our Subscription Management including AppStore Connect integration to provide easy to use, highly performant and relevant analytics to increase your revenue. If you...

Subscription & review analytics for iOS

Say hello to first unofficial Zeplin companion app, Zeplin Client! It is the only app you need to preview your designs on Zeplin. Simply, log in to your Zeplin account and Zeplin Client will bring your projects into your iPhone. Zeplin Screens, Natively on iOS

Zeplin Client
Zeplin Companion App for Mobile

Yagiz Nizipli
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SourceBot is a platform independent chat bot framework. It aims to connect Facebook Messenger, Slack and Skype with the same code.
Benefits of SourceKit:
Uses EcmaScript 6 class architecture.
Easily debuggable.
Uses Promises, catches uncaught exceptions on the way.

SourceBot for Slack is out!
SourceBot is a cross platform chatbot interface.

SourceBot for Slack is out!
SourceBot is a cross platform chatbot interface.

Yagiz Nizipli
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Here you can find an open-sourced & free version:

Makes slackups and standups work better

Slack Manager
Standup meetings in Slack