Diana Babaeva

Diana Babaeva

Founder and Technology Enthusiast


Have you ever wondered what happens when an ambitious global citizen with no technology background gets her hands on SalesForce? The answer is simple: magic! As someone who is passionate about cutting-edge technologies and their potential to make a difference in the world, I am excited to be part of the product hunt community. As a dreamer and innovator, I can't wait to see what the future holds and what new digital breakthroughs we can achieve together. Meanwhile, excited to help you succeed using our Microsoft Apps.


Digital Commerce Leader


Gone streaking
Gone streaking

Maker History

  • ChatGPT for Excel
    ChatGPT for Excel
    Unlock the Power of Excel with AI Intelligence
    Aug 2023
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntApril 13th, 2023