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Need a song name generator? Want some ideas for song names based on the lyrics? Song name generator makes it easy to generate song title ideas based on the lyrics.
Song Name Generator
Song Name Generator
Generate Song name ideas from the lyrics
Simple Grocery list makes it easy for anyone to make their own grocery list and save it for when they are shopping. Just add any items you need from the grocery store, and you can save, cross out, or remove. Plus you can share the list with others.
Simple Grocery List
Simple Grocery List
The easiest way to create and share your grocery list
Recipe Converter, resize any recipe based on the servings you want. Just enter the recipe url into the input, and adjust the servings to get the correct measurements. You can now easily adjust a recipe to any number of servings in seconds.
Recipe Converter
Recipe Converter
Free Online Recipe Converter
Need to find songs by lyrics? Have a few song lyrics in mind but want to find the full song? Lyrics Search makes it easy to find songs with just a few lyrics.
Lyrics Search
Lyrics Search
Find Songs By Lyrics
Find recipes you never thought to search for! RecipesCal is a recipe discovery website offering a personalized Menu feed of recipes you can make using the ingredients you have at home. It helps cut down on waste and find new recipes without shopping again.
Recipe Search By Ingredients
Recipe Search By Ingredients
Search recipes by ingredients. Tons of recipes to choose.
Pure news is a free daily newsletter that delivers bite-sized finance news and market updates every morning before the market opens. We cut out all of the clutter and only show the market performance and news.
Pure News
Pure News
Free Finance news without the clutter
Generate Band Names using AI. It's easy and simple to use. Just enter any keywords and get some funny and unique band names. I got tired of not being able to come up with any band names and decided to make a generator for it.
Band Name Generator
Band Name Generator
Generate Band Names Using AI
Spotle unlimted is a game that allows you to guess a mystery artist. It's like wordle for artists. You get information like their genre, debut album year, listeners rank, and more to know how close you are. Then change your guess until you get it right.
Unlimited Spotify artist guessing game
Since spotify decided to get rid of their headle game, here is a new version. I really enjoyed playing heardle and hated that spotify got rid of it. So I have been playing this version now and made it into a website.
Heardle - Spotify Music Guessing Game
Only the recipe gets rid of any life story, background of the recipe, or other fluff no one wants. Simply enter the url of any recipe site and get the ingredients and directions. Thats it. You can start cooking faster and read less junk.
Only The Recipe
Only The Recipe
Cut out the clutter and enjoy only the recipe