Reis Mesquita

Reis Mesquita

Graphics designer & web 3.0 learner.
11 points
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Reis Mesquita
Reis Mesquita
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Best of success to the app and the team! I’ve sold my MacBook so cannot help on the rest ;-)
Guess Who's in Town? AppManager! Making IT Look Easy (Because Now It Is)!
Reis Mesquita
Reis Mesquita
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Nice app and team; best of success!
A SaaS AI chatbot, live chat customized for your website
Reis Mesquita
Reis Mesquita
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Nice and I've already joined; best of success!
Quest Engage
Quest Engage
Gamified loyalty & engagement platform to 10x your growth
Reis Mesquita
Reis Mesquita
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Start with some treadmill exercise, a good bath and then work :-) Wish all a great week ahead!
How do you start your Monday Morning? Coffee? Brain fog?
Reis Mesquita
Reis Mesquita
left a comment
This is awesome for testnet :-) Best of success!
DevReports by PlayerZero
DevReports by PlayerZero
Everything you need to debug, in one shareable link