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Ashit Vora
Ashit Vora
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What are you working on these days?

Hi there! 👋 Always curious to know what people are building - whether it's a side project, a startup idea, or just something you're exploring for fun. What's keeping you busy lately? Share your project below, and let's chat! Maybe we can exchange ideas or learn from each other. 🙌 Right now, I'm working on - a tool to help you easily create and schedule LinkedIn content. It's...
Ashit Vora
Ashit Vora
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Are there real benefits of getting listed on TAAFT?

I'm exploring different options to get more organic traffic to our product We are already listed on most of the FREE directory listing and now I'm exploring paid directories. I came across TAAFT (There's an AI for that) and found it interesting. Have you listed your AI product on it? If yes, what benefits have you got from it? Would love to hear your learnings and...
Ashit Vora
Ashit Vora
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How did you figure out the ICP for your product (or services as well)?

Many startups believe their product is for "everyone" with a computer or phone (I was also one of them). But targeting everyone often means targeting no one. Figuring out your ICP (those who truly need your solution and are willing to pay for it) is super imp. How did you identify your ICP?
Ashit Vora
Ashit Vora
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Usually Tue & Wed to get maximum eyeballs.
Nathaniel Cook
What time of day or week is ideal for launching?
Nathaniel Cook
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Ashit Vora
Ashit Vora
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Congrats @hauken.
Pie Menu
One shortcut to control all your Mac apps with a radial menu
Ashit Vora
Ashit Vora
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- Reading - Meditation - Meet friends & spend 2-3 hours with them
Charlotte Richardson
What resources have helped you navigate tough times?
Charlotte Richardson
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Ashit Vora
Ashit Vora
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Did you consider iJump & iSkip when naming the app? ;-)
David Firouzbakht
Hi there! I’m David, the developer of the AirJump app
David Firouzbakht
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Ashit Vora
Ashit Vora
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Congrats on the launch @emilyjiang0604
Find viral TikTok videos and boost your growth with AI
Ashit Vora
Ashit Vora
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Congrats on the launch @pradeepmalakar. Any plans to expand this idea to LinkedIn?
Discover Instagram content that worked for your competitors
Ashit Vora
Ashit Vora
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Take every negative feedback with a pinch of salt.
Jacob Hernandez
How do you manage both positive and negative feedback on launch day?
Jacob Hernandez
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