Ashley Gross

Ashley Gross

AI Educator & Entrepreneur | Founder
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Ashley Gross
For $20/mo: Weekly new AI tool, 3 unique events, founder insights on mission & ethics. Build your AI network & toolkit. Dive in with transparency & a human touch.
The Prompt Community
The Prompt Community
Every company is .ai, but which one is right for you?
Ashley Gross
Ashley Gross
started a discussion

Running a board meeting with two AI agents
Ashley Gross
Ashley Gross
started a discussion

Got an AI Product to Showcase? Connect with 1,000 Enthusiastic AI Users!

Do you have an AI product you're excited about? I’d love to hear from you! I run The Prompt Community, a group of 1,000 engaged AI enthusiasts eager to explore new tools. Our members especially appreciate learning directly from founders about the mission, ethics, and value behind their products. If you're interested in introducing your tool to a community that's passionate about innovative AI...
Ashley Gross
Ashley Gross
started a discussion

Empowering and Ethical AI Education at The Prompt Community

Hey everyone, My journey with generative AI began in 2020 using, where I found immense value in automating mundane tasks to better balance my work and personal life. By 2023, I had successfully implemented multiple generative AI applications across a marketing organization of over 100 professionals. This experience highlighted a significant gap—a need for a safe, inclusive community...