Aurooba Ahmed

Aurooba Ahmed

WordPress Web Developer
10 points
All activity
Aurooba Ahmed
Get the latest SEO data that will help you grow your traffic directly on your Google Search results. Ubersuggest is a free Chrome extension that shows you the most actionable SEO metrics directly in Google search results.
Ubersuggest Chrome Extension
Ubersuggest Chrome Extension
Get SEO information right in Google Search
Aurooba Ahmed

Block Lab is an ACF-like plugin that aims to help you create blocks faster using familiar WordPress PHP practices instead of having to learn React/JSX/etc to start creating Gutenberg blocks.

Block Lab
WordPress plugin for easily building custom Gutenberg blocks
Aurooba Ahmed
Aurooba Makes - A Hair Fairytale
Aurooba Makes - A Hair Fairytale
Change isn't as big a deal as you think usually.
Aurooba Ahmed
the missing UFO editor (font editor)