Austin Hudspeth

Austin Hudspeth

The Slim Shady of Music Tech. 2x founder
4 points


I’ve been called many names over the years: - A pretty good musician - A good boss (More than once) - A husband who cares a lot - A crappy agency owner - The slim shady of music tech (by one person, ok) I think the truth lies somewhere in between… My name is Austin Hudspeth and I’ve spent nearly two decades at the forefront of design and product. For the past five years, I’ve been in the music tech space solving two of music’s toughest problems: - Expanding the money pot for the entire industry - Capturing more of the pot for the little guy And from that work, I’ve been able to share in some pretty cool wins… Finding early product / market fit with 3 separate music tech products Being a part of companies that raised over $60mm in venture capital Austin


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