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Jeremy Bauer
Jeremy Bauer
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I would name it Leopold or Margaret.
Infinity Maps
If Miro and Notion had a baby
Jeremy Bauer
Jeremy Bauer
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I can finally look up diseases on Wikipedia without intense regret
Hide images with NOPE.
Hide images with NOPE.
Hide page images and videos — and boost productivity
Jeremy Bauer
Jeremy Bauer
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Awesome 👏! Peergrade is a great tool, so I’m excited to check this out. Fantastic work!
Digital learning that actually teaches students something
Jeremy Bauer
Jeremy Bauer
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Looooove Hyper! Thank you! 🙏⚡️✨✨
Hyper 3
Hyper 3
A cross-platform terminal powered by web technologies
Jeremy Bauer
Jeremy Bauer
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Looooove Hyper! Thank you! 🙏⚡️✨✨
Hyper 3
Hyper 3
A cross-platform terminal powered by web technologies