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Ismael Canal
started a discussion
What is missing from Listy that is preventing you from using it everyday?
I'm looking for unconventional ways to improve the product and make it more appealing for those still in doubt. Looking forward to hear your suggestions!

Keep track of everything you love using lists. You can save in the same app your favorite movies, tv shows, books, video games, podcasts, restaurants, recipes or anything you want.
Save and track everything you love in the same app

Ismael Canal
left a comment
Hi all, this is Isma from Listy.
I want to share with you some thoughts about why we built Listy out of a personal reflection 5 years ago:
Collecting is an instinct we all have. It's likely a leftover from our ancestors who gathered and stored food to survive through cold and scarce times.
In today's world, we no longer need to stockpile food, but the urge to collect persists. We now collect...
Save and track everything you love in the same app

Ismael Canal
left a comment
Really love the concept but i miss some mobile native libraries. Do you have a timeline for those?

Fully manage the lifecycle of your feature flags

Ismael Canal
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Today we've launched a new update with improves on many small details to make Listy faster, easier and more pleasant to use:
The things you love, privately saved and beautifully listed

Ismael Canal
left a comment
Lovely work! Keep rocking!
Sensa Emoji
Free, vector, and open-source emoji set

Ismael Canal
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New update freshly baked out of the oven! Check at our Twitter:
The things you love, privately saved and beautifully listed

Ismael Canal
left a comment
We've just released a new update with tons of new things:
Listy Beta
The things you love, privately saved and beautifully listed

Listy is an app to keep track of your favorite things privately using lists. You can save in the same app your favorite movies, books, video games, links or anything you want.
Available for iPhone, Android and Apple Watch.
The things you love, privately saved and beautifully listed

Ismael Canal
left a comment
After our successful launch of our private beta, where we become the 2nd most upvoted product of the day and after nearly 2.000 beta-testers that joined us during the past months, we are glad to announce that Listy today is available for download for everyone.
We built Listy around a personal reflection that i've been thinking about for a year now: Bringing people back in control.
The things you love, privately saved and beautifully listed

Ismael Canal
left a comment
Wow this is super clever work! Congrats on the launch!
Spotify for streamers

Ismael Canal
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We've sent today our first batch of invites! Please be patient until we reach to you!
Listy Beta
The things you love, privately saved and beautifully listed

Listy is an app to keep track of your favorite things privately using lists. You can save in the same app your favorite restaurants, movies, books, video games or anything you want.
We are currently in Beta for both our iPhone & Android apps.
Listy Beta
The things you love, privately saved and beautifully listed

Ismael Canal
left a comment
I've been reflecting around one specific topic during the last year and i want to share it with you:
Bringing people back in control.
Companies fight for owning our interests, what we love, what we visit and use, because that information gives them leverage, gives them the power to know more about us, to sell our information to the best bidder, and to the very end, to become us into this...
Listy Beta
The things you love, privately saved and beautifully listed

Shorten, update and copy your Figma file share links at any time with Linky, your design will be always available, even when you make big changes like removing frames or moving them to a different document.

Shorten, edit and copy your Figma share links

Ismael Canal
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đź‘‹ Hi all I'm Ismael, product designer and design-tools creator from Madrid.
I've been designing with Figma for over a year now, and the one thing I find it keeps struggling me is when I share a design and people tells me: "Hey the link doesn't works".
If you like to have your files clean, I'm sure you are constantly moving frames around to keep everything organized. Sadly when you already...

Shorten, edit and copy your Figma share links

Easily test your design in different viewports by saving your favorite frame sizes combinations. Use any combination for new frames or for duplicating your current selection.
1. Make your design
2. Add the needed constrains
3. Frametastic will do the rest

Frametastic for Figma
Plugin to easily test your design in different viewports