Bernard Eugine

Bernard Eugine

Product | Fintech
229 points
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Bernard Eugine
Bernard Eugine
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Bernard Eugine
Bernard Eugine
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Bernard Eugine
Access the entire payment ecosystem with a Single API. Hyperswitch connects you to multiple payment processors to embrace diversity. It improves payment success rates and reduces payment costs, ops and dev efforts. Built on Rust as an open-source product.
Fast, reliable, and affordable open source payments switch
Bernard Eugine
Bernard Eugine
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As online startups, what are your major pain points when it comes to accepting payments online?

Given Product Hunt brims with folks from all walks of the startup world, would love to listen to the pain points in accepting payments online. Apart from common issues such as higher processor fees, complex integration and lack of merchant support, are there any other specific issues that have been a major blocker?