Bikraman Karmakar

Bikraman Karmakar

I love making minimal stuff
11 points
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Bikraman Karmakar
To-do list with infinite levels of sub tasks
Organise your tasks better with nested lists
Bikraman Karmakar
Bikraman Karmakar
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This is a very useful tool. Thanks for making this!
Track your writing progress from Notion & Google Docs
Bikraman Karmakar
Bikraman Karmakar
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Amazing! Pretty sure I have the highest score in this
The Office 2048
The Office 2048
A nifty clone of 2048, based on the hit TV show, The Office
Bikraman Karmakar
Bikraman Karmakar
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Checked it out, like it so far!
Find movies by mood
Bikraman Karmakar
Bad Writer is the only true distraction-free minimal writing app without the hindering editing imagine how you write with a pen. You can't go back once you've written what you've written.
Bad Writer
Bad Writer
A minimal writing app without backspace and copy-paste