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Are you planning on doing android apps, too? There aren't enough alternatives to the play store for US/EU
Neue Store
Alternative to the Apple App Store
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Here's their github: Everything is MIT licensed as far as I can tell. They did an IndieGogo ( but it's all in Russian so I have no idea what their pitch was.
If you didn't use FriendFeed it was a lot like Facebook is now, but with twitter-style follower/following relationships instead of bi-directional friending....
An open-source clone of FriendFeed
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Looking at the block diagram at, it looks like you're using a text index as your main data source and re-ranking using NNs. Is that right? Was that because of availability of text-based image search APIs? Are you planning to make a spatial index of some NN-powered binary coding and support something more like reverse image search?
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