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    Bradley Taunt
    Receive a detailed report analyzing your landing page with actionable items to improve your conversion rate.
    Receive a detailed report analyzing your landing page
    Bradley Taunt
    Benched is a streamlined, single page portfolio template that automatically pulls-in your latest shots from Dribbble. Download the files, then simply follow the setup instructions.
    Benched 3.0
    Benched 3.0
    Create a free portfolio from your Dribbble shots
    Bradley Taunt
    Can't think of a good name for your product or service?
    I've got you covered.
    Get a name in 48 hours for just $5
    Get a Brand Name for $5
    Bradley Taunt
    PHPetite (/p/h/pəˈtēt/) is a single file, static blog generated from PHP.
    A single file blog
    Bradley Taunt
    Browser localStorage note taking app, with the ability to export content as output.txt
    Note taking app that uses browser local storage
    Bradley Taunt
    Minimal CSS optimized for reading and writing (only 753 bytes!)
    TypeSafe CSS
    TypeSafe CSS
    Minimal CSS optimized for reading and writing (753 bytes)
    Bradley Taunt
    A simplified and easy-to-use item checklist to audit your website for proper formatting, performance, accessibility, and security standards.
    Web Audit
    Web Audit
    Simple checklist for website performance & accessibility
    Bradley Taunt
    Your own Dribbble portfolio completely free
    Bradley Taunt
    Logo Gives
    Logo Gives
    A growing collection of minimal open source logos