Fongoh Brandon

Fongoh Brandon

Getting productive through Notion
3 points
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Fongoh Brandon
Keep track of taking your school activities, as this gives you a layout of your various activties and duties in store for the coming school year, from having to keep track of your personal activities, finances, and making reminder on the on your school life
Notion Student Life
Notion Student Life
student studentplanner studentfinace finance productivity
Fongoh Brandon
urious where to find this... You can download my free Tv series system template right here and start simplifying your scheduling
Notion TV Series Systen
Notion TV Series Systen
notion productivity
Fongoh Brandon
An easy to use way for students to easily keep track of their school activities on the go, without having to overthink their next school schedule, simply with the help of a well customized dashboard to every essential curriculums requirements
Student School Planner
Student School Planner
Student School Planner
Fongoh Brandon
A smart approach in making the use of a To-Do Planner through Notion.
To Do System
To Do System
Time management leads to productivity