Caelin Sutch

Caelin Sutch

UC Berkeley MET '24
428 points
All activity
Caelin Sutch
Don't have a chatbot? Now you do! In 20 seconds, we'll build your company a virtual assistant by scraping your website + documentation. Docent resolves questions for customers, employees, and even technical developers!
The guide to help your customers understand your everything
Caelin Sutch
Caelin Sutch
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This is awesome, love that it's open source.
A simple, offline deadline tracker
Caelin Sutch
Caelin Sutch
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This application looks amazing! Congrats on the launch
Astrology for self-discovery, mindfulness and healing
Caelin Sutch
Caelin Sutch
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Simple and easy, congrats on the launch!
Add the WhatsApp Live Chat to your website
Caelin Sutch
Caelin Sutch
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Congrats on the launch! This is a pretty great product!
Fly through your job search with magic tools & expert advice
Caelin Sutch
Caelin Sutch
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This is terrifying but so fricken cool. Congrats on the launch guys!
Blanc Mask
Your full-face modular mask with HEPA filters
Caelin Sutch
Caelin Sutch
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I love this tool, just tried it out and love the firms it gave me. Congrats on the launch!
VC Rank
Get a list of VC firms that match your venture stage/sector
Caelin Sutch
Caelin Sutch
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This is one of my favorites among my friends, what a great idea!
How Bad Is Your Spotify?
How Bad Is Your Spotify?
A sophisticated A.I. judges your awful taste in music.
Caelin Sutch
Caelin Sutch
left a comment
This is pretty sweet, congrats on the launch!
Self discovery like you've never experienced before