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Calvin Chu
Input two origin cities and the product will send you and your friend emails about mutual flight destinations!
Find Friend Flights
Find Friend Flights
Cheap flights for friends to meet up in another city
Calvin Chu
Calvin Chu
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now I just need friends to use this with :)
Find Friend Flights
Find Friend Flights
Cheap flights for friends to meet up in another city
Calvin Chu
Calvin Chu
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This is hilarioous!!!
A free REST API for random Kanye West quotes
Calvin Chu
Calvin Chu
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URL doesn't seem to work rn
First Users
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Calvin Chu

New Tab Quizlet is a Chrome extension that displays a Quizlet card on every new tab you open. An interesting experiment to integrate spaced learning inside something we do every day.

New Tab Quizlet
New Tab Quizlet
Learn by displaying a Quizlet card every time you open a tab
Calvin Chu
Calvin Chu
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Are you guys doing anything to stop/censor any video makers?
A blockchain social video platform.