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Alec Garcia
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Be careful, Facebook might come after you. They sent me a Cease & Desist after I released Unsend Recall for Messenger and banned my FB account for 6 months.

Messenger Unread
Remove typing indicators and read receipts on messenger.

Alec Garcia
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I wrote a Medium article explaining how I did it:
byte for Web (Unofficial)
Explore, watch, and share bytes on the web

Immerse yourself in the byte universe: an exciting new looping video app from the founder of Vine.
Explore, watch, and share bytes on the web.
byte for Web (Unofficial)
Explore, watch, and share bytes on the web

Alec Garcia
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Hi everyone,
I was excited to see that byte launched last week but after using the app I realized that certain features that we're used to having such as getting a direct link to a post so you can share it on social media doesn't exist in byte yet. Currently you can export your byte video but it will just generate an mp4 file for you to share, so there's no way to get a link and share it. The...
byte for Web (Unofficial)
Explore, watch, and share bytes on the web

Immerse yourself in fullscreen 360° panoramas and other content shared by photographers using Insta360's line of 360° cameras.

Insta360 Community (Unofficial)
Discover 360° photos and videos from the Insta360 community.

Alec Garcia
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Hi everyone,
Recently I bought an Insta360 One X 360° camera and I've been loving it. The mobile app that lets you sync the 360° photos and videos to your phone also has a built-in community similar to Instagram where users can share the 360° content they captured from their camera. I enjoy exploring the content shared inside that community, but it's currently inaccessible outside of the...

Insta360 Community (Unofficial)
Discover 360° photos and videos from the Insta360 community.

Alec Garcia
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I wouldn't touch anything with the words "Instagram" and "bot". Facebook is really cracking down on ToS violations. I received a Cease & Desist letter for a popular Chrome extension I created for Instagram stories.

The most efficient and advanced Instagram automation.

Alec Garcia
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@kraftykyle Be careful. FB permabanned my personal Facebook and Instagram accounts because I created Chrome IG Story which allowed people to download Instagram Stories. They are really cracking down on ToS violations.
Download Instagram posts by username or hashtag

Alec Garcia
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Awesome game, but a little too easy to cheat. If you right click the images and copy the image address, it's easy to spot the fake because it's hosted in a "fakeimages" directory and the real image is hosted in a "realimages" directory 😅

Which Face is Real?
Click on the person who is real.

Alec Garcia
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Update: The extension was taken down by Google:

Unsend Recall for Messenger
Chrome extension that shows the text of removed FB messages.

Once you install Unsend Recall for Messenger, new Facebook messages you receive that are removed will display the message's original text.

Unsend Recall for Messenger
Chrome extension that shows the text of removed FB messages.

Alec Garcia
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Hi everyone!
Last week Facebook released a feature that allows users to unsend messages in Messenger. Since the user has 10 minutes to delete the message, I wanted to see if it was possible to intercept the messages before they got deleted so I can read them even after they were removed from my chat. I started to reverse engineer the React components for the removed messages, similarly to what...

Unsend Recall for Messenger
Chrome extension that shows the text of removed FB messages.

Alec Garcia
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Woah, this is right down the street from my apartment. Gonna check it out.

Cashierless autonomous retail store 🛍️

Alec Garcia
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@wtravisadams Not sure how I feel about this... I mean, my extension is open source, but this is straight up ripping it off. You could have at least used a different name. By adding "Plus" to the end, my users may think this is a premium version, but it's not even mine.
There's already tons of clones of Chrome IG Story out there which have malware in them, causing confusion and negative...

Chrome IG Story Plus
A better web version of IG that makes gathering content easy

Alec Garcia
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May the odds against receiving a Cease and Desist from Bumble be ever in your favor.

Buzz Humble
Find someone on Bumble with Geo Location Search

Alec Garcia
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Hmm this is new? I remember seeing one on the UC Berkeley campus over a year ago.

Hub by Amazon
Receive packages from anyone, any time.

Facebook Stories for Google Chrome
View your friends' Facebook Stories in the browser