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Safia Abdalla
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Hey everyone! I just published brief to the Chrome webstore and added the ability to force send an email via triple click. If you've already installed it from the .crx, remove that and install the web store version instead!

Stop yourself from sending wordy, rambling emails

Long emails are no fun to read or write. Brief is a Chrome extension that adds a word counter to the compose and reply views in Gmail and disables sending if an email is longer than 125 words. Need to send something longer than 125 words? Just triple-click the send button!

Stop yourself from sending wordy, rambling emails

Automatically generate LICENSE files

A Kind Thing A Day
Making the world a better place, one kind thing a day.

Safia Abdalla
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I manage the small but eager volunteer base at a local non-profit. I've been struggling to find an effective tool to communicate with my volunteers. Newsletter tools such as Mailchimp and Tinyletter don't exactly fit the sporadic nature of communicating with my volunteers.
I was excited to discover GMass because it fits very well into my workflow. I don't have to worry about exiting my Gmail...

A beautiful mass email system for Gmail