All activity
Carl Hamlet
Adds metrics to profiles to give you more info on activity, engagement, quality & whether the account using bots & automation.
- Tweets/retweets/replies per day
- Retweets/favourites per tweet
- Engagement tweet and follower score
- Tweeting from sources
Twitter Profile Metrics
Twitter Profile Metrics
Quality & engagement metrics added to every profile!
Carl Hamlet
Carl Hamlet
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Tested my own site and it worked perfectly! :D
A great preview is worth a thousand links
Carl Hamlet
Carl Hamlet
left a comment
This makes really lovely backgrounds and saves so much time!
Tweakable, one-of-a-kind hero images for your next project
Carl Hamlet
Choosing a movie with your friends has never been easier
Carl Hamlet
Do You Even List?
Do You Even List?
Auto updating Twitter list of people you interact with most
Carl Hamlet
Each day wakes you up with a new tasty track.