Caroline Pires

Caroline Pires

CEO of Nerdeo
2 points
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Caroline Pires
Caroline Pires
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at we do this for games and films.
Comakers Match
Comakers Match
Collaborate with makers and build products together
Caroline Pires
Caroline Pires
left a comment
This sounds very cool.
The InVision of Virtual Reality
Caroline Pires is a creative collaboration platform focused on the crossover between film, games and VFX. We connect the right artist or student to the right budget. Our latest release includes tools to help showcase BAME, LGBTQA+ and women led projects.
A collaboration platform for film, games and VFX
Caroline Pires
Caroline Pires
started a discussion is finally moving from FREE beta to v2.0

Our aim is still to connect the right artist or student to the right budget and get your indie film or games project completed. We've been listening to our customers and building the features they've asked for in the background. As of March 2nd 2020, we'll be launching a bunch of new features: - New Instant Project Notification - New settings page - New features for completing and closing...