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Cedric Amaya
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Awesome concept, excited to give it a try! Would love to know where I could learn more about the hardware project, frepo, mentioned on the landing page?
All-in-one tool to create your digital archive of anything

Cedric Amaya
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Lambda School isn't based in New York, it's online. Great work putting this together though Pete!

Bootcamp Index
Find the best coding bootcamp

Cedric Amaya
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This is awesome! I think @booligoosh should add KanbanMail (

Open Startups
A list of startups making their stats public

Cedric Amaya
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Hey @emilbruckner, so happy to finally see Find Better Questions here on PH! Although I'm not FBQ's target audience, I read your entire "Zero to MVP in 30 Days" series and found it extremely valuable as a maker, so thank you and congrats! 🎉
P.S. is broken on Firefox - the logo fills up the entire page rather than being contained to just the navbar.
Find Better Questions
Answer Quora’s best questions & get traffic

Cedric Amaya
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Hey @ronny_li, just curious but were you inquiring about making this earlier today on Reddit? If so, that was a super quick turnaround!
Regardless, congrats on the launch ✨

Thredd - Collaborative Browsing
Get recommendations from people who share your interests

Cedric Amaya
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That was quick!
This Person Does Not Exist for Sketch
Get unique AI-generated people faces placeholders in Sketch

Cedric Amaya
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Neat! What's the difference between this and say, Honey?

Coupons applied automatically

Cedric Amaya
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I don't take public transportation anymore but I definitely have had my fair share of missed stops due to falling asleep on the bus. Wish this was around when I did commute, this is brilliant ✨

Never miss your stop on the bus or train.

Cedric Amaya
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Hey @babikeralbanna, this is super neat! Been looking for something like this myself, will definitely be using this to remind myself of links I find at work.
Heads up: looks like your site doesn’t like the “?ref=producthunt” query when being being redirected from PH, it shows an error.

Remind yourself of links you'd like to see again.

Cedric Amaya
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Seems like a very useful extension! As a Firefox user I've got to ask: any chance this will be coming to Firefox in the near future?

A simple, distraction free reader for Chrome

Cedric Amaya
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Very cool product - I found this very insightful and I really think it has potential.
Nice work @gijsheerkens! ✨
Personal User Guide
Help others to get along with you better 📜

Cedric Amaya
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Awesome work James and thank you so much for these!
MIT licensed SVG illustrations, in 2 styles

Cedric Amaya
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Ben, you have outdone yourself mate. Congrats on the launch!
GIF Kitty
GIF picker for Product Hunt 😻

Cedric Amaya
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I thought Pied Piper was already working on the decentralized web? 🤔

A decentralized web by Tim Berners Lee, creator of the WWW

Cedric Amaya
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Super neat product, will definitely be trying this out!
Btw @cx42net, looks like there's some `z-index` issues with your ProductHunt banner on the homepage (Firefox 62.0, macOS 10.13.6).

Convert any HTML to PDF with a single POST request.

Cedric Amaya
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Orange door hinge. Enough said.
P.S. nice product!

Trim Kim
Shorten URLs to speakable rhyming words

Cedric Amaya
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This is incredibly awesome! Love the simplicity and usefulness of the app, great job @fahmsikder 🙌
Discover National Parks
Collection of resources to help plan your national park trip

Riddler is a Slack app that delivers riddles on command. By typing "/riddler", riddler will respond with a message only visible to you containing a riddle and a button to reveal the answer. With hundreds of riddles at your disposal, there's no excuse to ever be bored at work again!
Planned Features:
- riddle voting
- sharing functionality

The best riddles, only a slash command away.