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ismail ceylan

It's been almost 3.5 years since we released Zeplin and it's now being used by thousands of teams, more than 1.5 million people from all around the world. Today, we're extremely excited to announce that Zeplin 2.0 is ready for all of us to explore!

Zeplin 2.0
Zeplin 2.0
Collaboration app for designers & developers
ismail ceylan

Zeplin is a connected space for product teams where they can share designs, generate specs, assets and code snippets, tailored for iOS, Android and Web.

Zeplin 2.0
Zeplin 2.0
Connected space for product teams with components and more
ismail ceylan
"Versions" by
track all UI updates for designers and developers
ismail ceylan
Personal Zone Creator with Noise Blocking Tech
ismail ceylan

Zeplin 1.0 is a platform to help you and your UI team collaborate with no interference.Designers have their designs always updated because Zeplin has a cloud storage for everything. Developers will have easy access to the searched information by keeping everything synced, organized and their repetitive work done. Easy-peasy and convenient!

Zeplin 1.0
Zeplin 1.0
Collaboration & handoff for UI designers/frontend developers
ismail ceylan

Collaboration app for UI designers & frontend developers