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Charu C
I discovered Carrd while looking to build a minimal one-page personal website and soon started building other websites with it. Even for complex projects, it is an excellent MVP builder. The templates on TemplateHQ are now free to use or 'pay as you like'.
Get premium carrd templates for free
Charu C
Directory Scout helps you discover the best templates, themes, tools, plugins, boilerplates, starter kits, services and no code platforms to launch, grow and earn from your own web directory.
Directory Scout
Directory Scout
Find the best directory software and templates
Charu C
LaraStarters is a directory of SaaS Starter kits to launch your next startup or project fast with Laravel framework.
Find the best Laravel starters and boilerplates
Charu C
Job Board Fast helps you discover the best job board templates, themes, tools, plugins, boilerplates, starter kits, resources, guides and no code platforms to launch, grow and earn from your own niche job board.
Job Board Fast
Job Board Fast
Find the best job board software