Chenggui Sun

Chenggui Sun

ML and Full Stack Developer
5 points
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Chenggui Sun
Chenggui Sun
started a discussion

AITok Radio is Launching Our product, AITok Radio is a 100% AI-driven radio that combines information and entertainment📻. Whether you absolutely love the product😍 or think we could make some improvements🛠️, we invite you to leave your comments👆. We are sincerely committed to delivering a high-quality product and aim to provide a personalized experience in accessing...
Chenggui Sun
Chenggui Sun
started a discussion

How to get more attentions for my product

Our team is launching our product today. How can we invite more people to try our product and get more comments through this platform?
Chenggui Sun
Offers Diverse, Informative Content: Stay updated and enriched with a wide array of topics delivered directly to your ears. Whether you’re into technology, sports, or travel, AITok Radio has it all and continually generates more content tailored just for you.
AITok Radio
AITok Radio
AI-Powered Radio Station Just For You