Cherry Yadvendu

Cherry Yadvendu

Everything and anything AIπŸš€
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Cherry Yadvendu
Cherry Yadvendu
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This is such a need. I love it!
CANVID for Windows
Next generation AI powered screen recorder
Cherry Yadvendu
Prep for meetings in 5 minutes, get auto-filled MEDDIC scorecards, send AI-written personalized follow-up emails, and complete all CRM tasks automatically with Oliv. Get started at 0$ and win a free lifetime license by helping us decide the price. ​
Save 10h/week in tiring sales tasks & Gong call reviews
Cherry Yadvendu
Cherry Yadvendu
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Congratulations on the launch @hoshang_m! πŸš€
Airbook's Plug & Play Data Templates
50+ actionable data templates with interactive SQL queries
Cherry Yadvendu
Cherry Yadvendu
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Congratulations on this fantastic launch!
Write, run, debug, embed and share your Python code
Cherry Yadvendu
Are you someone who wants to start contributing to open source but does not know the first steps? I've built a powerhouse resource with 50+ open source tools across 5 professions who help you find your perfect tool to get started with. Grab your FREE COPY now!
Open Source Tools Stack!
Open Source Tools Stack!
Top 50+ open source tools to build your brand
Cherry Yadvendu
Cherry Yadvendu
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Extremely excited about this! Best of Luck!
Find anything inside audio, video, images & documents
Cherry Yadvendu
The CWC ’22 is a platform for developers of all experience levels to showcase their technical writing skills. By submitting in-depth technical articles, you stand a chance to get published and win amazing rewards.
Cohesive Writers Challenge 2022
Cohesive Writers Challenge 2022
Compete for rewards, recognition, and bragging rights πŸš€