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Chris Smith
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Very cool, Nathan! As an author I can tell you that even when you put YEARS into a book people often just want the cliff notes. Or the "ahas", which can be frustrating.
Your app seems to give those epiphanies a format they deserve.
Kudos. I would love to discuss getting my book into your library. It's the only national bestseller (to my knowledge) about internet lead conversion (The...
Hardbound 3.0
Illustrated summaries of bestselling nonfiction books

Grade My Ads will score your Facebook ads + improve them, in seconds.

Grade My Ads
Score your Facebook ads + improve them, in seconds.

Chris Smith
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@bricon5 what's up with this? Sounds WAY different than your explanation to @tomflemming "full access allows the developer of this keyboard to transmit anything you type."
That seems pretty crystal clear that it is anything. It even says "credit card numbers".

Gboard by Google
Google Search, GIFs, emojis & more—right from your keyboard

Chris Smith
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This feature may break the "tried once and never again" record. Is it cool? Sure. Will Ryan actually listen to articles a lot next week and moving forward? I doubt it. And for those of you that compared this to podcasts. Shame on you. If a great podcast was as easy as a blogger (or robot) reading their articles there would be more. Totally different skill set than writing an article.

Pocket Listen
Reading is hard. Listen to articles instead.

Chris Smith
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This app rocks! It makes organizing your personal versus business expenses a breeze. Syncs with major banks like Chase, Wells Fargo, etc...then sends you batches of 10, 20, 50, line items at a time to swipe through. It even organizes the expenses dynamically by category like Travel, Meals, Gas etc...

Tinder for Expenses

Tinder for Expenses