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instashare is a beautiful way to share your photographs directly to instagram from your mac
simply drag and drop your image to the toolbar icon and share your photograph
First person to use code 'first!' get's to enjoy the app for free! Next 5 people can use code 'ph' to get $2 off the app, afterwards you can use code 'producthunt' for $1 off.
Share your photos to instagram from your mac

Chris Villarreal
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Hey PH, I'm the creator of instashare.
instashare started as a project for myself to have a quick and easy way to share images from my mac desktop to instagram without the hassle of transferring them to my phone first then sharing them
After introducing the app to my cousin and others and seeing the positive feedback I naturally decided to share it with the world.
Feel free to tweet me...
Share your photos to instagram from your mac

Chris Villarreal
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Welcome Product Hunters!
Today I'm proud to introduce a new mac app called Score! It allows you to follow live soccer matches in real time.
š„š„š„ Features š„š„š„
- Pin the score of a live match to your mac's menu bar
- Quickly check upcoming matches š so you know when exactly to tune in
- See your favorite teams rank in their group š„
a mac app to follow live World Cup scores on your menu bar

Chris Villarreal
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Cool stuff, I really dig the notifications when a team scores!
I actually created a very similar app as well š
Livescore OSX
World cup live scores in menu bar ā½š©āš»

Score! is an application to make it easy to stay up to date with the Fifa World Cup. Check out the upcoming match, most recent matches, and the score of the current match going on. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
a mac app to follow live World Cup scores on your menu bar

Chris Villarreal
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Hey all, I began working on this site less than 24 hours ago but felt that with everything that was going on that everyone should have a way to see just who is being effected by the recently signed executive order.
After hearing about the story of Nazanin Zinouri (a Clemson professor denied access back to the US) I thought it was important to communicate just how much of an effect the order...

who we're losing
we're losing members of our society

who we're losing
we're losing members of our society