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Christopher Möller
Build node-based UIs with Svelte Flow. Built to be customized, type-safe, MIT Licensed. Great for workflow builders, no-code editors, and database visualizers. By the creators of React Flow (18k stars, used by Stripe, Netflix, and more).
Svelte Flow
Svelte Flow
Flexible library for building interactive node-based UIs
Christopher Möller
React Flow is a React.js library that enables you to build node-based applications. From simple static diagrams to complex interactive editors.
React Flow
React Flow
library for building node-based editors and graphs
Christopher Möller

Wit the Geo Data Merger you can easily merge CSV, JSON, Geo- and TopoJSON files. Just drag your files, select the merge keys and save the result. We don't upload your data! Everything stays in your browser.

(Geo) Data Merger
(Geo) Data Merger
A simple tool for merging data sets
Christopher Möller

schnack is an awesome, ad-free, open source Disqus clone that comes with a very minimal, hackable code base.

Open source Disqus clone for static websites
Christopher Möller
Awesome Interactive Journalism
Awesome Interactive Journalism
Great examples of data journalism and visualization projects