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Claire Lavelle
Claire Lavelle
started a discussion

How do I transition an Upcoming Page to a Launched Submitted Product?

The question at hand could be irrelevant. I was just curious if there was a method to submit a product that has an upcoming page (basic plan) or does I create a new submission? Such as a way for my product to no longer be Upcoming but to be Launched? Or what happens to my Upcoming Page once I have launched? Just asking fellow makers have been trying to read blogs but so much information out...
Claire Lavelle
Claire Lavelle
started a discussion

Get a hunter to submit your product for you?

Hi, my team and I have been gearing up to launch our the latest product, "SaveAway." I was doing research and outreach to find a Hunter to submit our product to reach a broader audience in the hopes of getting featured. Although I have done preliminary outreach, I am afraid of coming off as spam and don't want to waste of my our a hunters time. Does anyone have any experience or advice on...
Claire Lavelle
SaveAway's mission is to reduce impulse buying & credit card debt so you can Save More For What Matters. Our platform combines buying with saving and allows you to share your savings plan with friends, so no purchase goal is out of reach.
Save More Without The Debt