Go anywhere trekking, hiking, camping or engaging in your favorite outdoor activity while charging your devices on the go and staying safe with the world's first modular and wearable power bank and survival kit

No more mess and hair flying around your place or shop. Whether you have a dog or a cat, or you are a professional pet groomer, Groomrade lets you easily, smoothly and spotlessly trim and comb your dog's hair in a way that is comfortable for you and your pooch while leaving the place clean and spotless.

Wiggly is a healthy and extremely exciting way to help your kids stay active while exercising their reflexes and physical condition, having fun and getting healthier along the way with an interactive wearable jacket for kids that looks cool and helps prevent obesity and sedentary habits.

Using its original InrVertĀ® system, LeTrav created the Austin Bag, a convertible and very practical backpack that becomes a stylish briefcase in just a few seconds, depending on your mood or situation. Simply unzip, flip the bag, and zip it up again to convert your bag in seconds.