Mayank Saxena

Mayank Saxena

Crypto Enthusiast who loves the Tech.
3 points


I'm a Crypto Enthusiast who thrives on the intricacies of blockchain technology. With a passion for the tech and a knack for driving impactful solutions, I specialize in architecting solutions that harness the power of Avalanche Subnets, Lisk Sidechains, Rollups, and Zero-knowledge(ZK) proofs across a diverse array of platforms, including Hyperledger, Ethereum, Lisk, Polygon, Bitcoin and Avalanche. Unlocking the full potential of decentralized technologies to transform ideas into impactful realities, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the blockchain landscape.


Product at Zeeve


Gone streaking
Gone streaking

Maker History

  • Zeeve
    Most Reliable & Secure Blockchain Infrastructure Platform
    Apr 2024
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntApril 9th, 2024